GCC-XML There is one open-source C++ parser, the C++ front-end to GCC, which is currently able to deal with the language in its entirety. The purpose of the GCC-XML ...
Comparison of parser generators - Wikipedia, the free ... This is a list of notable lexer generators and parser generators for various ... AXE/C++, C++11, mixed, none, any platform with standard C++11 compiler, No ...
Elsa - Scott McPeak Elsa: The Elkhound-based C/C++ Parser. Elsa is a C and C++ parser. It is based on the Elkhound parser generator. It lexes and parses input C/C++ code into an ...
Elkhound and Elsa - Scott McPeak Elkhound is written in C++, and can generate parsers written in either C++ or Ocaml. Elsa is written entirely in C++, and parses C and C++ input code.
Xerces-C++ XML Parser - The Apache Software Foundation! Xerces-C++ is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. Xerces-C++ makes it easy to give your application the ability to read and write XML ...
Parsing C++ at nobugs.org I recently became interested in parsing C++. It's taken me quite a while to gather together various resources from the web, so I thought I'd share my findings with ...
parsing - C++ parser generator - Stack Overflow 2013年3月21日 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_parser_generators. for C/C++: http://epaperpress.com/lexandyacc/. Or look at: Boost.Spirit: "Spirit is a set of ...
Good tools for creating a C/C++ parser/analyzer - Stack ... 2009年2月9日 - What are some good tools for getting a quick start for parsing and ... The ANTLR parser generator has a grammar for C/C++ as well as the ...
Best open XML parser for C++ - Stack Overflow 2008年10月4日 - Looking for a simple, clean, correct XML parser to use in my C++ ... How about RapidXML? RapidXML is a very fast and small XML DOM parser ...
TinyXml Main Page - Grinning Lizard TinyXML is a simple, small, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs. You may want to consider TinyXML-2. I found myself writing a text ...